Sunday, September 21, 2008

Bad Dog Pickles!

Today I went to the grocery store- was gone about all of 40-45 minutes. I left Jordan in charge. I think everything went fine until he came downstairs to help carry up the groceries. Here is what we returned to... this all happened in about 3-5 minutes of being home alone!

She wasn't punished- turns out this was our fault. While cleaning up the dining room today her bin of toys got put up where she could not reach. What else was she to do? The main objective is to be entertained and play... and if there are no designated toys you find some make shift ones.

So to say the least this ball of yarn has seen much better days... not sure if it can be salvaged yet or not. We will just have to see when I have the patience to sit and try to rewind it into one ball.


Blogger DB said...

Thank you for posting pictures of your baby.

We recently lost our 14.5 yo female mini schnauzer and I miss her like crazy.

Your baby is beautiful and makes me wonder if I'll ever take the plunge to have another.

Oh, I found you through Ravelry (SharonB013), the mini schnauzer forum.

7:13 AM  
Blogger Mary said...

AWWW. . . that's one sweet puppy!

9:27 PM  

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